Accredited Inspections
Autoterminal Japan is an inspection agency accredited by the governments of Jamaica, Zambia, Uganda,New Zealand, and Australia.
To export or import vehicles internationally, they must undergo inspection by an accredited agency recognized by each respective country’s government.
Jamaica – Pre-shipment Inspection (PSI)
Jamaica Trade Board(JTB), an Agency of The Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce, has appointed Autoteminal Japan Ltd. (ATJ) as an accredited inspection company for pre-shipment inspections. Used vehicles exported to Jamaica from designated countries require pre-shipment inspection by ATJ.
Guyana – Pre-shipment Inspection (PSI)
Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) has appointed Autoteminal Japan Ltd. (ATJ) as an first accredited inspection company for pre-shipment inspections. All vehicle shipped on or after February 1, 2025 to Guyana from all countries will be subjected of inspection(Guyana PSI) by ATJ. Submission of the Inspection Certificate is required to process the Customs Declaration or the vehicles release.
Zambia – Roadworthiness Inspection (RWI)
Used vehicles exported to Zambia require a roadworthiness inspection (RWI) for Zambia based on ZS560 specified by the Zambia Standards Authority (ZCSA). ATJ is a designated inspection company that has a contract with the Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency (ZCSA).
New Zealand – Biosecurity Inspection(MPI inspection)
New Zealand consider used motor vehicles as bio-security and quarantine risks. This is because used vehicles could potentially become a carrier of insurgents such as insects, pests or items that could be harmful to a country’s farming or agriculture sector. ATJ uses heat treatment technology to ensure that risk is removed from all vehicles.
New Zealand – Border Inspection(NZTA Inspection)
ATJ has been an approved border inspection company offshore (country Japan). The border inspection is conducted prior to arrival to New Zealand, and all required information of the vehicle is being transmitted to New Zealand Transport Agency prior to the arrival at NZ ports. Ensured with quality border inspection done by ATJ get their vehicle directly to compliance centers faster and help lives of exporters and importers.
Australia – Biosecurity Inspection(DAFF inspection)
The Australian Government’s Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) authorizes ATJ to carry out biosecurity/quarantine inspections of used vehicles and offshore risk management of used machinery imports into Australia.
Uganda – Roadworthiness Inspection (RWI)
Used vehicles exported to Uganda require a roadworthiness inspection (RWI) based on US 845:2017 specified by the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS). ATJ is a accredited inspection company that has the contract with the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS).